Radical Men Ministries is honored and blessed to have the opportunity to partner with Steve Altman “Coach Steve” (pictured left) and Joe Romero “Chaplain Joe” (not pictured) as new contributors to the Radical Men Blog.  Coach Steve and Chaplain Joe are both great men of God, husbands, fathers, and wrestling coaches in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.  They both dedicate so much of their time breathing life and pouring into the lives of young men throughout the community; they truly exemplify what it means to be a #RadicalMan.

They will be contributing to a new Blog page called “On The Mat” w/ Coach Steve & Chaplain Joe.  Their primary focus will be on leadership, encouragement, and discipleship of young men primarily through sport, specifically wrestling.  But, they are free to write on any subjects that God calls them to contribute – Stay tuned, we never know what we might get.

Again, please welcome Coach Steve and Chaplain Joe to the Radical Men family by commenting on our blog page, our Facebook page, or on Twitter.

1 Comment

  1. Hello ,

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    (Recently I have added a new page about FutureNet and the way how users can make money on this social networking portal.)

    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Maybe I will add link to your website on my website and you will add link to my website on your website? It will improve SEO of our websites, right? What do you think?

    Jan Zac

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